DIY Flower String

DIY Flower String

120,00 SEK

Based on 5 Reviews

Model/Product no.: DIY-10001
Stock status: Dispatched from here in 2-3 business days

DIY Flower String


120 cm

32 strips of rich quality paper of 300 g/m2
Incl. 50 ml Livingly paper glue.

VIDEO Prøv håndværket papirklip

Prøv Louises håndværk fra #MadeinDK, som er det fineste grafiske papirklip. Se her trin for trin, hvordan Louise kreerer, folder og samler - og bliv måske inspireret af processen til at kaste dig ud i papirkunsten.

Posted by DR1 on 14. april 2015

© Livingly

Dimensions: 120 cm
Material: Paper
Included in the package 1 pcs
Produced of FSC certified paper/wood Yes

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